Work and Play – the Key to Living



Sir Richard Branson has been one of my heroes long before he became a Knight.

If you haven’t yet read any of his books, grab one as soon as you can.

Despite becoming a billionaire, he has retained that down to earth style and connection with everyday people.

One of the reasons – simple alignment between business and life – remembering to do what you enjoy and have fun with it.

by Tony Inman

TONY INMAN is the CEO of Club Red Inspiration. An entrepreneur who has set up over 20 businesses, Tony is a business, life and mindset coach, consultant, mentor, presenter and trainer. A former mentor at Curtin University’s Centre for Entrepreneur-ship, he has coached hundreds of business owners and executives across the globe. Tony is the author of several books including ‘If Life’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Well.’ He is passionate about helping people to fulfil their potential and follow their dreams.